Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Talent vs. Attitude

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.09
Talent vs. Attitude

         Everybody today looks at sports stars, musicians, artists etc and say - Wow! What an amazing talent, I wish I could have that kind of talent. People often confuse themselves with the thought that excellence is all about talent. However, excellence is not about talent alone. In fact a major portion of excellence has nothing to do with talent. Beyond a certain point, talent or ability is the most useless virtue to possess. It's not about the fortune of having talent. But it's about what you do with that talent you have. Beyond a point, it is attitude that more important than talent.
         It has been observed that even the most talented people in this world have not been able to achieve what they were supposed to achieve. This is because the moment they faced a road block, did not know what to do. Earlier it was talent that solved problems for them. But beyond a certain point when you reach a certain level, it is your attitude that counts. Once an individual is in the top league, the importance of talent fades away. This is because, others present in the top league have the same talent. So what's the difference? The difference here is Attitude. An individual succeeds when he/she has the right attitude, the right work and of course the spirit to perform. Talent might open the first door, might open the second door, but will not open the last door. So to achieve anything in life, it is very important to have the right attitude and spirit to do well.

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