Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Storytelling: Cinderella

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.34
Oke, ini cerita kedua yang judulnya pasaran banget. CINDERELLA. Check it out!


Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two selfish stepsisters. They made her do all the housework from morning till night.

“Cinderella, sweep the floor and mop it cleanly !”

“Cinderella, my clothes are dirty. I want you to wash them !”

“Cinderella, Hurry up ! Get my toys here !”
Cinderella always follow what they asked her.

“Yes mom, I am coming !”

“Yes sister, I’ll do it right now”

“All right, I’ll take it”

Cinderella will do whatever they told her, as soon as possible until one day, an invitation came from the palace. The King wanted all the young ladies of the land to come to the Royal Ball.

“Mom, we’re going there !”

“Oh… where is my gown ? I wanna be the most beautiful girl at the ball.” They felt happy.

“Cinderella, stay at home ! You have much housework to do. You see, we have a party tonight”

Cinderella watched sadly as her stepsisters put on their finest gowns and left for the ball. 
Suddenly, a kind fairy godmother appeared.

“Don’t be sad, Cinderella. I’ll changed some mice into horses and a pumpkin into a beautiful coach.”

Then, she also changed Cinderella’s dress into a beautiful gown. And on her feet Cinderella wore a pair of glass shoes.

“You must leave the palace before midnight when the magic will end,” the fairy godmother warned Cinderella. Then, she stepped into her coach.

At the ball Cinderella was so beautiful that the prince danced with her all night. They danced, danced, and danced. All people watched them. It make her stepsisters get jealous.

“What is she doing here ? Why did she wear such a lovely gown ?”

When the clock stuck midnight, Cinderella rushed out of the ball room. As she ran down the stairs, her glass shoe dropped. She had no time to pick it up. Away she sped in her coach. When the last bell of midnight rang, Cinderella was back in her old clothes again.

The next day, the prince sent out a searching for the girl who wore the shoe glass last night.

“I will marry the girl who owns the glass shoe”, he declared. When the search party reached Cinderella’s house, the stepsisters took turn to try their big feet into the glass shoe.

“I can’t ! it’s too big.”

Just then, Cinderella came into the room and asked to try on the shoe. It fitted her PERFECTLY !!! Cinderella was led to the palace right away where she and the prince were soon married.

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