Rabu, 01 April 2015

Drama: No Title

Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.27
Ini naskah drama dengan alur pas-gil, alias pasaran gila! Ceritanya tentang dua geng dengan sifat yang kontras (pasti satu jahat, dan satu lagi baik) yang tidak disangka main character di geng baik suka sama seorang cowok. Geng jahat tahu hal itu dan berencana untuk mem-bully sang main character di geng baik. Namun pada akhirnya, geng jahat menyadari kesalahan mereka dan akhirnya berbaikan. Selesai. Ohya, satu lagi. Grammar naskah di bawah ini masih kurang sempurna, jadi sebaiknya diperbaiki dulu sebelum dipakai. Judulnya juga gak ada karena aku tidak tahu-menahu soal memberi judul. Thank you.


Once there are an elite school which consists of various of gangs, from the simple gang until the most alay gang in the world.However,the most popular gang is “xxx Gang”.
One Morning “XXX Gang” accidentally meet with some geek people who are sweeping their classroom. And their evil plan is begin.

(“XXX Gang Walks Toward to those geek people and delibrate hit one of the geek)
Icha     : “Heh! Do you think this way is your father’s?”
Adel     : “Sorry. We are cleaning now.”
Febri    : “Oh yeah? Sorry. That’s not important for us!”
Azy      : “We didn’t say that is important to you.”
Tri        : “How dare you!”
(Tri and Azy fight)
Nasya, Bunga, Adel     : “Stop it!”
Adel     : “It’s no use for you, guys to fight.”
Alsa     : “Eh! Don’t be a zero hero, you fool!”
Nasya  : “She is not affected to be a hero. She’s right. It’s no use for you to fight.”
Alsa     : “Whatever. Come on, guys! We’ve done here.”
(Gang xxx leave that place)

After home gang Lalala gather in Adel’s house

Bunga  : “It’s so boring guys.”
Nasya  : “What will we do now?”
Adel     : “How about playing Truth or Dare?”
All       : “Let’s play!”
(They do Hompimpa and Adel get the first turn)
Adel     : “Oh my God! I get the first turn.”
Azy      : “Choose. Truth or Dare?”
Adel     : “Oh I choose truth.”
Bunga  : “Who do you like? Come on!”
Adel     : “Please, don’t give me that question.”
Nasya  : “Ooohhh no no no.”
Adel     : “OK OK! I like...... Louis.”
Azy      : “LOUIS?!”
Bunga  : “The captain of our basketball team?”
Nasya  : “The most popular person in this school?”
Nasya, Bunga, Azy      : “ONDELAMANDE”
Bunga  : “Cie cie… Louis!!!”
Adel     : “Please don’t mock me!”
Nasya  : “So, have you confessed your feelings?”
Adel     : “It’s impossible. I’m a girl!”
Bunga  : “It’s no big deal!”
Adel     : “Yeah. But how?”
Bunga  : “How about give him a letter?”
Adel     : “Then, how can I give him the letter?”
Nasya  : “Give to his sister?”
Adel     : “Who is his sister?”
Azy      : “Radaaaaaaa!”
Bunga  : “Hurry up! Write it now!”
(Adel is writting a letter)

The next day, Adel meet Rada who doing her homework

Adel     : “Hai, Rad.”
Rada    : “Eh, hai Del.”
Adel     : “Do you have a brother?”
Rada    : “Yeahh, why?”
Adel     : “eee I want give this to your brother”
Rada    : “what’s this?”
Adel     : ”Just give this to him”
Rada    : ”ohh okay”

During the break time, Rada will meet his brother, Louis

Alsa     : “Hey? Where are your eyes?”
Rada    : “oh I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.
Tri        : “what it’s in your hand? Is that a letter?”
Febri    : “Give it to me!!”
Icha     : “is it a love letter? Oh my God, From who?”
Febri    : “From Adelia. Who is she?”
Alsa     : “Ooo, she is the geek girl yesterday who became the zero hero. Eww
Icha     : “Yeaaah! That’s right! I remember. So she likes Louis?”
All except Rada           : “Ssshhtt!”
Rada    : “Don’t take it please, I will  give the letter to my brother.”
Alsa     : “Let us give it to him, so you won’t feel tired”
Rada    : “But...”
Tri        : “Do you want to join our gang?”
Rada    : “Ya, yaa I want.”
Icha     : “But, you must do whatever we said.”
Rada    : “Okaaay, everything I do. What are the requirements?
Alsa     : “First, don’t say this secret to anyone.”
Icha     : “Second, you must give all information about Adel feelings to Louis.”
Febri    : “Then, you have to do and be anything what we want.”
Tri        : “If you don’t do one of them you will not join into our gang.”
Rada    : “Yyyess, I understand.”
Febri    : “Now, go out of our away.”

One day, gang  Lalala meet Louis’ group

Azy      : “Woy! It’s Louis.”
Adel     : “Ihh, stop it Azy”
Nasya  : “They’re getting closer, Del.”
Bunga  : “Yeah. Greet him!”
Adel     : “It’ll be so embarrassing.”
Louis   : “Hey, are you Adel?”
Adel     : “Y…yyees I am.”
Louis   : “Where are you going?”
Adel     : “To the canteen.”
Louis   : “Ohh. Okay. Anyway, I’ll hold a party for my birthday. I invite four of you.”
Owen   : “We’ll have a performance there. Although it’s still bad, hehehe.”
Yoki    : “At least you see our performance and taste the food.”
Azy      : “Really? Is that so? Plenty of food will be on?”
Yoki    : “Yes, yes, and yes.”
Azy      : “Come on, Del. There will be a lot of food.”
Owen   : “Yeah. I bet you the party will be so crazy.”
Adel     : “We’ll come.”
Louis   : “Okay. At my house, 7 p.m, this Saturday.”
Adel     : “Okay.”

Rada saw the conversation and intended to report it to Genk xxx

Febri    : “Hello… Who is this?”
Rada    : “It’s me, Rada.”
Febri    : “Oh, what’s up?”
Rada    : “I saw Adel and her friends were invited to my brother’s birthday party.”
Febri    : “Haa?! Invited by whom?”
Rada    : “My brother himself.”
Febri    : “Alright. I got it. Thanks!”
Rada    : “Eh, but I have been on your gang, right?”
Febri    : “tuutt…tuuuttt…ttuutt..”
Rada    : “Yaaah.”

At the party

Hary    : “Good evening, guysssssss!”
All       : “Evening.”
Hary    : “So as you know, our friend, Louis Martin, has his 17th birthday today. Yeaayy!”
(Audience clap)
Hary    : “So here he is. The birthday boy, Louis!”
Louis   : “Hey guys! Evening. First, I want to thank to God to give this special age and thank you to all of you for coming to my party. Before we have the ‘blowing candles and making wish’, We’d like to give you a song. Okay, let’s hit it, boys!”
(Louis and friends perform)
Hary    : “Well that’s an outstanding performance, guys.”
All       : “Thanks.”
Hary    : “So it’s time to blow the candles. Yeeeee!!! Make a wish, Louis!”
Louis   : (pray then blow the candles)
Hary    : “Cut off the cake…”
Louis   : (cut off the cake)
Hary    : “So who will get the first bite?”
Yoki    : “I will.”
Samuel : “No! I will. Because I’m the most handsome friend Louis ever have.”
Yoki    : “No way. I get the first bite.”
Samuel : “I!”
Yoki    : “I!”
(Yoki and Samuel fight)
(Louis feeds Rada the cake)
Owen   : “Yaaah! Poor you! You don’t get any.”
Samuel : “Why did you give it to her?”
Louis   : “She’s my beloved sister.”
Hary    : “Then who will get the next bite?”
Louis   : “Of course my bestfriends.”
Hary    : “Then, the next one?”
Louis   : “Well, this cake for a special girl who becomes my love at the first sight.”
Hary    : “Who is it?”
Louis   : “Adelia.”
(Louis feeds Adel)
All       : “Cieeeeee”
Suddenly, Geng xxx have stood behind the microphone and talk
Febri    : “Cieeeeee. So sweet…”
Alsa     : “We have a love letter as sweet as this scene, guys.”
Tri        : “The sender is Adelia to her beloved Louis Martin.”
Icha     : “We’ll read it…”
(Icha reads a quarter of the letter)
Adel     : “Enough!!!” (cries and runs)
Louis   : “Adel!”
Nasya  : “Leave it to us.”
Louis   : “Okay. I count on you.”
(Louis runs to Geng xxx)
Louis   : “Whose idea is this? Tell me! Tell me!!!”
Icha     : “I do. What’s the matter on you?”
Louis   : “How mean you are.” (trying to punch)
Samuel : “Slow down, bro. Slow down. She’s a girl.”
Yoki    : “We don’t do violence to gals
Louis   : “But they were overdone.”
Owen   : “Where did you get the letter?”
Tri        : “From your own sister!”
Rada    : “Hah? Why was me?”
Alsa     : “It was really you who gave it to us.”
Louis   : “Was it really you, Rad?”
Rada    : “Yes, but… I was forced by them to do anything because… I-want-to-join-their-group.”
Louis   : “You were influenced by them just because a gang? Just because these monsters? Think of it!”
Rada    : “I’m so sorry.”
Louis   : “Forget it. Now, disperse!! All of you dismiss! (NB: Ngarahnya ke penonton lalu ke geng xxx)  I don’t care of you but you MUST apologize to Adel. It was all your fault! If not, I will report this mess to the headmaster and four of you will be dropped out. Understand?!!”
Febri    : “Yes, I understood.”
Icha     : “Okay okay”
Alsa     : “Got it.”
Tri        : “Yeah yeah, we will.”

Finally, they apologize to Adel and also her friends and they forgive them. Louis and Adel become closer than ever though Adel rejected Louis’ confession. She makes school become her principle after her family. Gang xxx keep schooling because of their apology and -FIN-

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