Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Storytelling: The Golden Snail

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.44
Cerita ketiga, nih. Judulnya The Golden Snail atau Keong Mas. Pada tau darimana asalnya, gak? Aku juga sebenarnya gak tau banget. Tapi ku rasa dari Jowo yo.


There was a princess from the kingdom of Daha. Her name was Dewi Limaran. She is very kind and beautiful. She was married to Raden Putra.

One day, Dewi Limaran was walking in the palace garden. She found a snail among the flowers. Then she asked her servant to pick it and throw it away to the river. It was not a real snail. The snail was actually an old witch who pretended as a snail. Ofcourse the witch was very angry. She cursed Dewi Limaran into a snail and threw it away to the river. The stream carried it far away to the river in a village.

Far from the forest there lived a poor widow. Her name was Nyai Dadapan. Her living was only fishing. It was a bad day. She caught nothing. She spread and spread the net but she didn’t get anything. so, she pulled up the net and decided to go home. Suddenly, she found something shiny at the bottom of the net. IT WAS A SNAIL !!! She picked it and took it home. The shell was shining like a gold and she had never seen it before.

After arriving at home, she put the snail into a pot. Then, she went to bed. The next morning, she woke up. In her amazement, she found that the floor was very clean and some food on the table. “who was so generous so prepare the food ?!! who … who … I have to find out. Hmm, I got an idea”

The next morning, she took a basket for fishing but shortly she return to her hut and hid herself. She heard a soft movement and she was shocked ! A SNAIL CREPT OUT FROM THE POT !!! The snail grew bigger and bigger and change into a beautiful young girl. She swept the floor and then starting cooking. “Oh … It’s not a common snail. She lives under a spell. I have to break it.” So, Nyai Dadapan took the empty shell and rush to throw it to the river. Then,Dewi Limaran told everything about herself. “The young Lady, I pray to God that the prince would find you and you could return to your husband.

Many years passed. In the palace the king asked his son to married again. “My son, it has been a long time. You’re wife never return ! find a new bride !” “No, no dad ! I can’t do it ! I still love her and I believe she will return !” “You have to my son !”

Finally, Raden Putra agreed. “Alright dad. I’ll find a new one. But she must be like my wife.” So, Raden Putra and his guard searched for his beloved wife. They went from another village to another village. And they stopped at a big river. Then they saw a hut. “Hey !!! Look at that. A hut !!! let’s go there ! maybe we could ask some food and drinks !” as they knocked on the door, an old woman came to open it. “Excuse me, madam. We are hungry and thirsty. We had been tired for a long journey.” So the old woman served the meals. It was delicious.
”I am sorry madam to ask you a question. Who cook the meals?”
“My daughter, sir.”
“May I meet her and say thanks to your daughter?”
So the old woman called her daughter. A few seconds later, a beautiful young girl came and knelt down with his head bent. When Raden Putra saw her, he could not stand to hold his breath in a big surprise. The young girl looked like his former wife, Dewi Limaran.
“You are the bride I’m looking for. Will you marry me?”
“No, I’m a cursed girl. A witch cursed me. If you want to marry me, you have to get a holly gamelan and make a musical sound.”
So, Raden Putra went to the forest. He fasted and meditated. The god heard and granted his prayer.

On the wedding day, the holly gamelan was played. The cursed has gone. And they lived happily ever after.

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