Rabu, 01 April 2015

Style//Blank Space - Louisa Wendorff ft. Davin Dawson (Cover)

Diposting oleh Unknown di 22.57 0 komentar
Pernah dengar lagu Blank Space dan Style? Lagu Taylor Swift loh! Gimana jadinya kalau lagu ini di mash-up? Louisa Wendorff dan Davin Dawson berhasil mash-up lagu ini. Aransemen lagunya juga enak. Anyway, this is the first time I post something about songs. Enjoy aja lah yo.

Storytelling: Situ Bagendit

Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.35 0 komentar

Once upon a time in West Java, there lived a very wealthy woman in a small village. She lived alone in a very big house fill with a lot of jewelries. She also had many servants working for her. But, she was very greedy so people called her Bagenda Endit, the greedy wealthy woman.

She also was the most feared in the whole village. She could do what she wanted to do with her wealth. Many villagers borrowed money from her although the debt must be paid with extremely high interest. Bagenda Endit also had some bouncers to collect the villager’s debts. If they unable to pay, the bouncer would violence.

Drama: No Title

Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.27 0 komentar
Ini naskah drama dengan alur pas-gil, alias pasaran gila! Ceritanya tentang dua geng dengan sifat yang kontras (pasti satu jahat, dan satu lagi baik) yang tidak disangka main character di geng baik suka sama seorang cowok. Geng jahat tahu hal itu dan berencana untuk mem-bully sang main character di geng baik. Namun pada akhirnya, geng jahat menyadari kesalahan mereka dan akhirnya berbaikan. Selesai. Ohya, satu lagi. Grammar naskah di bawah ini masih kurang sempurna, jadi sebaiknya diperbaiki dulu sebelum dipakai. Judulnya juga gak ada karena aku tidak tahu-menahu soal memberi judul. Thank you.

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Drama: Water Pollution

Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.20 3 komentar
Three friends are walking along the street…
Febri            : “Wait wait wait! Is that Veronika?”
Rada            : “Really? She doesn’t  look as fat as usual”
Icha             : “Don’t you realize you are also fat?”
Rada            : “But I’m slimmer than her.”
Icha             : “Whatever.”
Febri            : “The point is why is she throwing up the rubbish to the river? It’s prohibited, isn’t it?”
Icha & Rada    : “Yeeaaahh…”
Rada            : “So what are we gonna do now?”
Icha             : “How about, you guys talk to her while I meet Mr. Joko. Got it?”
Febri            : “Wait! Why must you go and we stay? Why don’t both of us talk to her? Or else?”
Icha             : “Because I live here.”
Febri            : “Ohhh… I see…”

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Storytelling: The Golden Snail

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.44 0 komentar
Cerita ketiga, nih. Judulnya The Golden Snail atau Keong Mas. Pada tau darimana asalnya, gak? Aku juga sebenarnya gak tau banget. Tapi ku rasa dari Jowo yo.


There was a princess from the kingdom of Daha. Her name was Dewi Limaran. She is very kind and beautiful. She was married to Raden Putra.

One day, Dewi Limaran was walking in the palace garden. She found a snail among the flowers. Then she asked her servant to pick it and throw it away to the river. It was not a real snail. The snail was actually an old witch who pretended as a snail. Ofcourse the witch was very angry. She cursed Dewi Limaran into a snail and threw it away to the river. The stream carried it far away to the river in a village.

Dialog Interaktif (Tema: Kesehatan)

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.41 1 komentar
Kedua kalinya nge-post naskah drama dan kali ini tentang Dialog Interaktif bertema kesehatan.


Pembawa acara I       : “Selamat pagi pemirsa! Jumpa lagi dengan saya Febrianti Elizabeth…”

Pembawa Acara II    : “Dan saya Andi Fahira Alsa.”

Pembawa Acara I      : “dalam acara…”

Pembawa Acara I & II : “BUKA MATA!!!”

Pembawa Acara I      : “Kita mengetahui bahwa di dunia ini banyak orang yang menjadi pecandu rokok bahkan ironisnya anak-anak di bawah umur pun bisa mengikuti langkah kedua orang tuanya untuk menjadi pecandu rokok. Maka hari ini kami akan mengundang Menteri kesehatan, Dr. Wesly Desmon Simanjuntak, SpA. Selamat pagi, Pak.”

Pak Wesly                 : “Iya. Pagi.”

Pembawa Acara I      : “Dan juga wakil dari Dirjen Departemen Kesehatan Prof. Dr. Veronika Selvia. Apa kabar Ibu Veronika?”

Ibu Veronika            : “Baik. Saya baik.”

Pembawa Acara I      : “Oh ya. Silahkan duduk, Pak, Bu.”

Pak Wesly & Ibu Veronika      : “Iya. Terima kasih.”

Pembawa acara II     : “Pertama-tama sebelum saya dan rekan saya bertanya, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak dan Ibu yang dapat menghadiri acara ini.

Storytelling: Cinderella

Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.34 1 komentar
Oke, ini cerita kedua yang judulnya pasaran banget. CINDERELLA. Check it out!


Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two selfish stepsisters. They made her do all the housework from morning till night.

“Cinderella, sweep the floor and mop it cleanly !”

“Cinderella, my clothes are dirty. I want you to wash them !”

“Cinderella, Hurry up ! Get my toys here !”
Cinderella always follow what they asked her.

“Yes mom, I am coming !”

“Yes sister, I’ll do it right now”

“All right, I’ll take it”

Cinderella will do whatever they told her, as soon as possible until one day, an invitation came from the palace. The King wanted all the young ladies of the land to come to the Royal Ball.

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